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Welcome to Homezone

Helping parents and carers to build their child’s essential skills at home.
An image of the Eight Essential Skill icons. Listening, Speaking, Problem Solving, Creativity, Staying Positive, Aiming High, Leadership and Teamwork.
Enjoy activities together at a time and pace to suit you and your family.
A series of three family photos within circles. The first is a grandmother reading to her granddaughter, the second is a father patting his son on the back and the third is a mum helping her son with some online learning
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Skills Challenges

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More Skills Challenges

Write or draw your dream career in the middle of a piece of paper. Around the writing or drawing, note down everything you need to achieve your dream.

You could include:

  • What you will need to learn to have that career
  • How you need to behave to succeed in that career
  • What different jobs that career might involve

Extension: Write down why this is your dream career and why you think that you would be good at it.

Reflection Questions

Getting Started: How do you know if something is too difficult for you?

Intermediate: Why is it important to be willing to take on new challenges?

Advanced: What resources might you need to achieve your goals?

Mastery: What steps do you need to put in place to make your goals happen?

Aiming High

Do something to spread positivity among your family/friends or even in your local area today.

For example, you could:

  • Bake something to share with people
  • Write positive and uplifiting message to hand out
  • Create a positive chalk mural on the pavement

Extension: Write down how it felt to spread positivity.

Reflection Questions

Getting Started: How does this activity make you feel?

Intermediate: How could you use this activity to feel more positive when something goes wrong?

Advanced: How could this help you to look on the bright side of something?

Mastery: How can you manage your emotional response to best support others?

Staying Positive

Your local town or city is keen to build a new landmark to celebrate a local hero. You've been chosen to create this landmark!

You will need to generate ideas and decide which is best before creating the landmark.


  1. What has this person done?
  2. Why is this person worth celebrating?
  3. Who does this person inspire?

Extension: Write a summary of why you chose this person to celebrate.

Reflection Questions

Getting Started: How can you share what you imagine?

Intermediate: How can you come up with lots of different ideas?

Advanced: How can you combine different ideas to create new ones?

Mastery: How can you help someone else to be creative?


Consider this problem: your local park is going to have to close because of the amount of littering and treatment of the local wildilife. Your task is to come up with three different solutions to try and fix this problem.


  1. What is causing the problem?
  2. What needs to change?
  3. How can you bring about this change?

Extension: Consider which solution is best and pitch this to your friends and family!

Reflection Questions

Getting Started: What are the instructions?

Intermediate: How can you come up with lots of possible solutions?

Advanced: Why is it important to consider a range of solutions for problems?

Mastery: How might you choose between different solutions to a complex problem?

Problem Solving

Imagine you are campaigning to be your country's leading politician.

Things to think about:

  • How would you make the country a better place to live?
  • What laws would you introduce?
  • Create a campaign poster and speech to persuade family members to 'vote' for you.

Extension: Ask your audience to pose challenging questions at the end of your speech.

Reflection Questions

Getting Started: How do we know if we are speaking clearly?

Intermediate: As you speak how can put your points into a logical order so you can be easily understood?

Advanced: How can you use tone, expression and gesture to make your speaking engaging?

Mastery: How can you adapt the content of what you are saying, in response to listeners?


Choose someone in your household, or a friend on the phone, to interview about their dream career.

Prepare by writing a list of questions. For example:

  • What did you want to do as a job when you were younger?
  • Has your dream career stayed the same?
  • If you could do anything, what would it be?
  • What skills do you need to be successful in your dream career?
  • How are you planning to reach your dream career?

During the interview, demonstrate active listening and make a note of their answers.

Extension: Interview two people and compare their perspectives.

Reflection Questions

Getting Started: How can you make sure you are listening carefully?

Intermediate: What does it mean to summarise what you have heard?

Advanced: Why is summarising or rephrasing what you have heard useful sometimes?

Mastery: How might changing the language (words) used affect how you feel about something?


Work with members of your household or friends to create a short dance routine. This could be inspired by a dance that you know or have already seen. As a group, decide on the music and work together to choreograph a set of dance moves.

Extension: Find an occasion where you can perform your dance!

Reflection Questions

Getting Started: When do you find it easier (or more difficult) to work with others in a positive way?

Intermediate: Have you helped make decisions with others?

Advanced: How can you encourage others to help out too?

Mastery: What is an 'unhelpful conflict'? How can you avoid this when working with others?


Organise a fun activity for your household to do over this weekend (or next!)

Encourage everyone to come up with different ideas for the activity and when it might take place. It could be anything you all enjoy, from a pizza night to a walk to your favourite park, but everyone needs to take part.

You might need to organise a vote to decide. Manage disagreements carefully and most importanly, have fun!

Extension: Consider what you might need to organise in advance of the activity.

Reflection Questions

Getting Started: How can you find out about how others are feeling about something?

Intermediate: How can you find out more about strengths and weaknesses in others?

Advanced: How might you be able to motivate others to improve their weaknesses?

Mastery: What kind of leader would you like to be?

Pick your child's experience level to begin

Getting started

For those right at the start of their journey to begin building essential skills with your support.
The Getting Started stage is suggested for children in early primary school. This stage is also a good place to begin for a child or young person who is new to building their essential skills or wishes to revisit the skill with your support.


For those more confident with essential skills to practise further with you and accelerate learning.
The Intermediate stage is suggested for children in late primary or early secondary school. This stage is also a good place for an older child or young person to continue building their essential skills with your support.


For those using essential skills regularly to work more independently on strengths and areas for improvement.
The Advanced stage is suggested for young people in secondary school. This stage is a good place for a young person to begin building their own essential skills on their own, with help from online tools and resources.


For those looking to independently improve essential skills to prepare for future learning or careers.
The Mastery stage is suggested for young people who are about to leave secondary school or college. This stage is a good place for a young person to continue building their own essential skills on their own, with help from online tools and resources.