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Farm Urban
Our strategic partners financially support us to expand our work - either through developing new programmes or extending into new areas. We couldn’t grow without them and thank them for all their support.
Our employer partners periodically host visits to their workplaces by groups of students, who get a chance to meet employees and ask questions. Volunteers and students then get to work on a challenge that gives a flavour of what the organisation does.
Farm Urban was born out of the Life Sciences Department at the University of Liverpool. They aim to link leading scientific research with local food production. By taking science fresh from the lab and implementing it at the farm in the heart of urban communities, they aim to change both how we do science and how we farm our food. They develop and test the most efficient ways to grow food in urban environments, focussing primarily on aquaponics. The systems they use, along with the knowledge we acquire, will be made available for others who wish to introduce urban farms into their communities.
working with us since