Talk The Talk are a charity providing staff and students with a range of practical oracy workshops, all delivered by professional experts and qualified teachers, especially trained in the use of oracy as an educational tool.
Talk About Communication is an engaging oracy workshop. The activities teach and develop the use of structure in presentations, essay writing and exam answers. Students in Years 7-13 are taught to identify and use persuasive language techniques to get their message across, and will be well prepared for English Speaking and Listening assessments.
These full-day workshops provide each student with the opportunity to speak in front of their peers, a minimum of three times, while learning core components around visual, vocal and verbal communication. In addition, these sessions provide students with core Speaking and Listening skills, which can be used in all lessons across the curriculum. Through developing these oracy skills, students also reflect on how they are developing Aiming High skills to identify their own strengths and take positive approaches to new challenges.
The Talk About Communication workshops capture the impact on students’ skill development, through self-assessment and teacher narrative feedback, giving learners the opportunity to reflect on their progress and how they will continue to build these skills in other areas.