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Bringing essential skills to life

It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the eight essential skills are key to achieving success in education – but what about beyond the classroom?

That’s exactly the question that our first Education Webinar of 2022, taking place on February 3rd, homed in on. We explored recent research on why linking essential skills with real-world problems and challenges is so important, and looked at ways schools and colleges are using projects, challenge days, virtual trips, and work experience to bring essential skills to life.

Our Education Associate, Bethan Jeffers, was joined by a great panel of speakers, who spoke of the impact of building essential skills:

• Claire Noble, Teacher and Skills Leader at Saxon Mount School

• Katie Brooks, Year 4 Class Teacher and Skills Leader at Windy Arbor Primary School

• Lucy Harrison, Global Corporate Responsibility Co-ordinator at Linklaters LLP

• Phoebe Stone, Head of Sustainable Investing at LGT Vestra

Attendees were able to leave with some ideas to try, as well as extra information on the optional Premium Elements that we offer which can increase the impact of essential skills teaching.

You can watch the above recording to hear the discussion in full, featuring a Q&A session at the end with our live audience.

Please note: This was an exclusive event, open only to schools and colleges on our flagship Accelerator programme.