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Hornsey School for Girls (Secondary) - Success story

Chimene Peddie, Skills Leader & Head of Enterprise at Hornsey School for Girls, recognised that in a rapidly changing world, equipping students with essential skills is the best way to empower them in any career.

Since 2018, we’ve been working together on a strategic approach. Essential skills have been integrated into tutor time, where staff deliver aspects of the PSHE curriculum. Teachers use short activities from the Skills Builder Hub, which require minimal preparation and encourage reflection. Wall displays are prominent, and teachers highlight and reward students applying skills, like great Leadership and effective Problem Solving.

Chimene has also collaborated with department leads to build essential skills teaching into their subject. Finally, in conjunction with the school’s focus on STEM and meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks, Chimene has brought skills to life with Challenge Days, and inspiring Trips to local employers - as well as organising for professionals to speak to students about their journey and how they use essential skills every day.

“If you’re a teacher, you can see the benefit immediately… A name for each skill and a way of demonstrating and assessing its use makes all the difference.”

Chimene Peddie  /  Skills Leader & Head of Enterprise

“Consistency is key… a common language around skill development with students, teachers and external visitors. We have a three-year plan for embedding skill development and careers experiences, which allows us to monitor our approach and track our progress. We’ve introduced our plan and the resources to all teaching staff, including time for reflection and what best practice would look like.”

Louise Kothari  /  Careers Leader & Deputy Head