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An image of a smart businessman in his office training on Benchmark using a desktop computer.
An image of a smart businessman in his office training on Benchmark using a desktop computer.
An image of a smart businessman in his office training on Benchmark using a desktop computer.

Build skills across your workforce

Skills Icon: ListeningSkills Icon: SpeakingSkills Icon: Problem SolvingSkills Icon: CreativitySkills Icon: Staying PositiveSkills Icon: Aiming HighSkills Icon: LeadershipSkills Icon: Teamwork

Build skills across your workforce

Skills Icon: ListeningSkills Icon: SpeakingSkills Icon: Problem SolvingSkills Icon: CreativitySkills Icon: Staying PositiveSkills Icon: Aiming HighSkills Icon: LeadershipSkills Icon: Teamwork
A map highlighting the 52 countries around the world that use Benchmark.
200,000+ surveys completed around the world
Underpinned by the Universal Framework for Essential Skills
Trusted by impact organisations, employers and educators
200,000+ surveys completed around the world
Underpinned by the Universal Framework for Essential Skills
Trusted by impact organisations, employers and educators
200,000+ surveys completed around the world
Underpinned by the Universal Framework for Essential Skills
Trusted by SMEs and large corporates
200,000+ surveys completed around the world
Underpinned by the Universal Framework for Essential Skills
Trusted by 800+ education institutions, employers and impact-led organisations

Who’s using it?

Looking for Benchmark for your organisation?

Impact Organisations

Benchmark for Individuals

Learn more about yourself by completing a quick and easy skills reflection
Discover your skill strengths
Start building on your development areas with specific targets

How does it work?

Watch a video to learn about key concepts and strategies.
A screenshot showing the introduction video on the Problem Solving landing page within Benchmark.
Answer reflection questions for each skill step. 
A screenshot showing the questionnaire that users can take within Benchmark.
Review your strengths and development areas, and plan next steps.
A screenshot showing the Skill-score that users receive after completing their questionnaire. This person has scored fourteen point-five out of fifteen in their Problem Solving skills.

What do you get?

Get your personalised, downloadable Skills Report
Review your reflections for each skill step
Compare your skill score against previous reflections
Celebrate and articulate your skill strengths.
Understand your areas for development and how to build on them
Practical next steps to start building your essential skills in work or wider life.

How does the admin dashboard work?

Add groups and set assessment periods to guide individuals’ reflections.
A screenshot of the Assessments tab inside Benchmark's admin dashboard.
See real-time data, including comparable skill scores, reflections and progress.
A screenshot showing the individual results display within the admin dashboard. The admin can see this individual learner's scores against all eight of the essential skills.
Identify strengths and areas for development across the whole business.
A screenshot of the groups display within the admin dashboard. This page displays the scores of all the learners within a group and shows when they last took a skills assessment.

Benchmark for Employers

Guide and boost the essential skill development of all employees - from early careers through to C-suite
Identify skill gaps across your workforce and use this to inform training and learning opportunities
Empower candidates to understand and articulate their skill set during recruitment and onboarding 
Measure the impact of outreach provision and apprenticeships

What can your organisation achieve with Benchmark?

Benchmark enables any employee to assess their essential skills. The tool provides explicit guidance on their unique strengths and areas for development, enabling them to set tailored goals and excel in their role and beyond.

With access to the admin dashboard, managers can view this data and use it to provide targeted mentorship and coaching to their team.

With organisation admin licenses, you can see skills data for individuals, within teams and departments, as well as across the whole organisation. This allows you to design a training plan that is pertinent to your employees.

Benchmark can also be used to assess the impact of your outreach programmes and measure the progress of your learners. 

How to gain access to the admin dashboard?

Skills Builder Partners are able to access admin licences at an additional cost as part of the Employers Programme. Find out more here.

Subscription options

Benchmark Starter

For small organisations
£2000 per year
Self-reflection tool
Downloadable Skills Reports
View your learner's data
Manage groups
Set assessment periods
Up to 50 Employee Learners
Up to 5,000 Outreach Learners
2 Group Admins
(£200 per additional)

Benchmark Growth

For medium organisations
£6000 per year
Everything in Starter, plus:
Assign Group Admins and learner groups
View all learners' data
Embed in an iFrame
Up to 250 Employee Learners
Up to 10,000 Outreach Learners
10 Group Admins
(£200 per additional)
2 Organisation Admins
(£1,000 per additional)

Benchmark Premium

For large organisations
£10,000 per year
Everything in Growth, plus:
Single sign-on
Data sharing API
Unlimited Employee Learners
Unlimited Outreach Learners
50 Group Admins
(£200 per additional)
10 Organisation Admins
(£1,000 per additional)


Are Benchmark admin licences an annual subscription?

Yes, admin licences are available on an annual subscription. Admin licences are only available to members of the Skills Builder Partnership through the Employer Programme.

How much does it cost?

Benchmark is free for individuals who want to reflect on their own essential skills. There are three levels of packages available for Benchmark, depending on what you want to achieve. For organisations on a programme with us, the basic package starts at £2,000 per year.

How long does a skill assessment take?

Some individuals will prefer to reflect on a particular focus skill, skill pairs or by revisiting Benchmark for short periods at a time. Depending on their pace and preference, individuals might want to spend anything from 5 to 30 minutes at a time using the tool.

How often should you revisit Benchmark?

This will depend on your organisation and the individuals you are working with – for example, quarterly or at the beginning/end of a project. However, it is important to share clear expectations to support regular, meaningful reflection and time for individuals to develop and apply the essential skills they have identified as a focus.

Is there a space for written reflections?

No - Benchmark keeps it quick and simple by asking individuals to answer whether they are able to apply each step ‘Almost Never’, ‘Rarely’, ‘Sometimes’, ‘Often’ or ‘Almost Always’. They record their answers by clicking the relevant button. Written reflections can happen offline, following the completion of a Benchmark skills reflection, or online using another of our products: Skills Builder Launchpad.

How do I add groups of individuals?

Individuals need to set themselves up on Benchmark by creating an account. You can link them to a group by sharing a group code which can be generated via the Admin Dashboard. This will allow you to see their skills reflections. Individuals can add this code upon sign up, or join the group at a later stage. This gives you access to any previous skills reflections data, where relevant.

How can I prompt individuals to complete a skills reflection?

On the Admin Dashboard, there is a feature called ‘Assessment Periods’. Here, you can set a window of time for specific groups of individuals to complete a skills reflection. You can also specify which skills you would like them to focus on. Individuals will get an automated email to inform them about the assessment period, and encourage them to visit Benchmark. They will also see a banner at the top of their Dashboard, reminding them about any open assessment periods.

Can we add our own questions to the reflection assessment?

No - Benchmark focuses on supporting individuals to reflect on the eight essential skills (listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork). The questionnaire, results and other parts of the site’s design are centered around this.

Is Benchmark linked with Skills Builder Launchpad?

Skills Builder Launchpad is a digital platform for individuals to build their own essential skills, featuring interactive modules for every step of the Universal Framework. In Benchmark, there are links to Launchpad at the end of each skills reflection, as well as in the downloadable Skills Reports. There are also links back to Benchmark in the footer of each page on Launchpad.

The two sites operate independently, and will require separate logins. As an Admin on Benchmark, you will not be able to see what individuals have done on Launchpad - unless they share it with you offline.

What data will I see for individuals in my groups?

We collect the following personal information when individuals provide it to us, which is then shared back to you for any individual in your group:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Self-reflection against the Skills Builder Universal Framework for essential skills, expressed as:
    – Answer against each question in the skills reflection survey 
    – Skill score, based on answers given
    – Top 3 strengths and development areas, based on answers given

You will see all data for all time, for each individual - not just for skills reflections that have been completed since they joined your group.

Can data be shared with other members of staff?

Yes. Individuals can join multiple groups - for example, if they are working with a line manager and on an internal professional development course. In this way, their skills reflection data will be shared with the owners of each group that they have joined. 

Organisation Admins will be able to see data across the whole organisation - not just for their own groups.

If individuals leave a group, their data will remain with them - but it will no longer be viewable by the Admin of the group.

How is the data stored and is it secure?

We will hold your personal data as long as you are a user of our services, or your organisation could legitimately benefit from information about our services, or we are required to do so under applicable laws and regulations.

We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, or used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine need to know it. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.

Are there any integration features available?

Yes, we can offer embedding Benchmark into an i-frame, single sign-on and data sharing API. Please get in touch to discuss further.

How does the admin dashboard work?

Add groups and set assessment periods to guide individuals’ reflections.
A screenshot of the Assessments tab inside Benchmark's admin dashboard.
See real-time data, including comparable skill scores, reflections and progress.
A screenshot showing the individual results display within the admin dashboard. The admin can see this individual learner's scores against all eight of the essential skills.
Identify strengths and areas for development in individuals and groups.
A screenshot of the groups display within the admin dashboard. This page displays the scores of all the learners within a group and shows when they last took a skills assessment.

Benchmark for Impact Organisations

Empower individuals to understand and articulate their skill set confidently
A recognised impact measurement tool to support with your skills development programme
Measure and report the impact of your programmes and provision on essential skill development

What can your organisation achieve with Benchmark?

Benchmark enables individuals to assess their essential skill levels, see their strengths and areas for development. Benchmark is used by impact organisations in a variety of ways such as mentoring programmes to support 1-1 conversations, professional development for young volunteers and providing further opportunities to individuals to reflect on their essential skills. 

With access to the admin dashboard, programme or regional leads can view collated data to measure the progress of your learners across a whole cohort. Using this data, your organisation is able to assess the impact of your programmes, giving you the knowledge you need to improve your essential skills provision and celebrate its successes. 

Benchmark can also be used to provide continued professional development for your own staff according to their skill strengths and gaps.

How to gain access to the admin dashboard?

Skills Builder Partners are able to access the admin dashboard at an additional cost as part of the Impact Programme or the Impact Academy. Find out more here.

Subscription options

Benchmark Starter

For small organisations
£800 per year
Self-reflection tool
Downloadable Skills Reports
View your learner's data
Manage groups
Set assessment periods
Up to 5,000 Learners
1 Group Admin
(£200 per additional)

Benchmark Growth

For medium organisations
£3,000 per year
Everything in Starter, plus:
Assign Group Admins and learner groups
View all learners' data
Embed in an iFrame
Up to 250 Employee Learners
Up to 10,000 Learners
10 Group Admins
(£200 per additional)
2 Organisation Admins
(£1,000 per additional)

Benchmark Premium

For large organisations
£5,000 per year
Everything in Growth, plus:
Single sign-on
Data sharing API
Unlimited Learners
50 Group Admins
(£200 per additional)
10 Organisation Admins
(£1,000 per additional)


Are Benchmark admin licences an annual subscription?

Yes, admin licences are available on an annual subscription. Admin licences are only available to members of the Skills Builder Partnership through the Impact Programme or Group Training Programme.

How much does it cost?

Benchmark is free for individuals who want to reflect on their own essential skills. For Admin access, prices start at £880 per year for your organisation.

How long does a skill reflection take?

Some individuals will prefer to reflect on a particular focus skill, skill pairs or by revisiting Benchmark for short periods at a time. Depending on their pace and preference, individuals might want to spend anything from 5 to 30 minutes at a time using the tool.

A skills reflection will always start at step 0, however the questionnaire can be finished early if an individual feels that upcoming steps are beyond their current ability level.

How often should individuals revisit Benchmark?

This will depend on your setting and the individuals you are working with – for example, termly, quarterly, or at the beginning/end of a project. However, it is important to share clear expectations to support regular, meaningful reflection and time for individuals to develop and apply the essential skills they have identified as a focus.

Is there a space for written reflections?

No - Benchmark keeps it quick and simple by asking individuals to answer whether they are able to apply each step ‘Almost Never’, ‘Rarely’, ‘Sometimes’, ‘Often’ or ‘Almost Always’. They record their answers by clicking the relevant button. Written reflections can happen offline, following the completion of a Benchmark skills reflection, or online using another of our products: Skills Builder Launchpad.

Can I use Benchmark with children and young people?

Benchmark users must be aged at least 14 to use the tool independently. With adult supervision, learners as young as 11 can use the tool.

How do I add groups of individuals?

Individuals set up and manage their own accounts on Benchmark, using their own email address. When you gain Admin access, you can add groups. These groups will each have a code associated with them. If you share this code with individuals, they can add themselves into your group. This ensures that individuals have consented to their skills reflection data being shared with you.

How can I prompt individuals to complete a skills reflection?

On the Admin Dashboard, there is a feature called ‘Assessment Periods’. Here, you can set a window of time for specific groups of individuals to complete a skill reflection. You can also specify which skills you would like them to focus on. Individuals will get an automated email to inform them about the assessment period, and encourage them to visit Benchmark. They will also see a banner at the top of their Dashboard, reminding them about any open assessment periods.

Can we add our own questions to the reflection questionnaire?

No - Benchmark focuses on supporting individuals to reflect on the eight essential skills (listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork). The questionnaire, results and other parts of the site’s design are centered around this.

Is Benchmark linked with Skills Builder Launchpad?

Skills Builder Launchpad is a digital platform for individuals to build their own essential skills, featuring interactive modules for every step of the Universal Framework. In Benchmark, there are links to Launchpad at the end of each skills reflection, as well as in the downloadable Skills Reports. There are also links back to Benchmark in the footer of each page on Launchpad.

The two sites operate independently, and will require separate logins. As an Admin on Benchmark, you will not be able to see what individuals have done on Launchpad - unless they share it with you offline.

What data will I see for individuals in my groups?

We collect the following personal information when individuals provide it to us, which is then shared back to you for any individuals in your groups:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Self-reflection against the Skills Builder Universal Framework for essential skills, expressed as:
    – Answer against each question in the skills reflection survey 
    – Skill score, based on answers given
    – Top 3 strengths and development areas, based on answers given

You will see all data for all time, for each individual - not just for skills reflections that have been completed since they joined your group.

Can data be shared with other members of staff?

Yes. Individuals can join multiple groups - for example, if they are working with a mentor and on a separate employability course with your organisation. In this way, their skills reflection data will be shared with the owners of each group that they have joined. 

Organisation Admins will be able to see data across the whole organisation - not just for their own groups.

If individuals leave a group, their data will remain with them - but it will no longer be viewable by the Admin of the group.

How is the data stored and is it secure?

We will hold your personal data on secured servers in Ireland, EU as long as you are a user of our services, or your organisation could legitimately benefit from information about our services, or we are required to do so under applicable laws and regulations.

We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, or used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine need to know it. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.

Are there any integration features available?

Yes, we can offer embedding Benchmark into an i-frame, single sign-on and data sharing API. Please get in touch to discuss further.

How does the admin dashboard work?

Add groups and set assessment periods to guide individuals’ reflections.
A screenshot of the Assessments tab inside Benchmark's admin dashboard.
See real-time data, including comparable skill scores, reflections and progress.
A screenshot showing the individual results display within the admin dashboard. The admin can see this individual learner's scores against all eight of the essential skills.
Identify strengths and areas for development across the entire student body.
A screenshot of the groups display within the admin dashboard. This page displays the scores of all the learners within a group and shows when they last took a skills assessment.

Benchmark for Educators

Empower learners to understand and articulate their skills set confidently
A recognised impact measurement tool to support with your skills development programme
Measure and report the impact of your essential skills curriculum

What can your organisation achieve with Benchmark?

Benchmark enables students to assess their own essential skills and gives them explicit guidance on their unique strengths and areas for development, enabling them to set goals and confidently articulate their skill set in education and beyond. 

With access to the admin dashboard, teachers can view their class data to provide personalised guidance and mentorship to their students.

With organisation admin licenses, you are able to get an overview of students’ skills across a whole cohort. This allows you to target skills gaps and measure the quality of your essential skills curriculum, giving you the knowledge you need to improve your provision and celebrate its successes. 

How to gain access to the admin dashboard?

For schools and colleges, Benchmark admin licences are available through Digital Membership programmes

To find out more about Benchmark for MATs and universities, get in touch.


Are Benchmark admin licences an annual subscription?

Yes, admin licences are available on an annual subscription. Admin licences are only available to members of the Skills Builder Partnership through Digital Membership for schools and colleges. If you’re enquiring on behalf of a MAT or university, get in touch.

How much does it cost?

Benchmark is free for learners who want to reflect on their own essential skills. For Admin Dashboard access, prices start at £385 per year.

How long does a skill reflection take?

Learners can choose to reflect on as many skills as they want to. Some prefer to baseline across all 8 skills at once, while others prefer to do one and a time and revisit Benchmark. Depending on pace and preference, learners can spend from 5 to 30 minutes completing their reflections.

How often should learners revisit Benchmark?

This will depend on your setting and the learners you are working with – it might termly or at the beginning and end of a project/academic year. It is important to share clear expectations which support regular, meaningful reflection and then time for learners to build the essential skills they have identified as a development area.

Is there a space for written reflections?

No - Benchmark keeps it quick and simple by asking learners to answer whether they are able to apply each step ‘Almost Never’, ‘Rarely’, ‘Sometimes’, ‘Often’ or ‘Almost Always’. They record their answers by clicking the relevant button. Written reflections can happen offline or online using Skills Builder Launchpad.

Can I use Benchmark with younger learners?

Benchmark users must be aged at least 14 to use the tool independently. With adult supervision, learners as young as 11 can use the tool.

How do I add groups of learners?

Learners create their own accounts on Benchmark. You can link them to a group by sharing a group code. Group codes are generated in the Admin Dashboard. Learners can add this code when they sign up, or join the group at a later stage. You will be able to see their skills reflection data, and any previous skills reflections data, where relevant.

How can I prompt my learners to complete a skills reflection?

On the Admin Dashboard, there is a feature called ‘Assessment Periods’. Here, you can set a window of time for specific groups of learners to complete a skills reflection. You can also specify which skills you would like them to focus on. Learners will get an automated email to inform them about the assessment period, and encourage them to visit Benchmark. They will also see a banner at the top of their Learner Dashboard, reminding them about any open assessment periods.

Is Benchmark linked with Skills Builder Launchpad?

Skills Builder Launchpad is a digital platform for learners to build their own essential skills, featuring interactive modules for every step of the Universal Framework. In Benchmark, there are links to Launchpad at the end of each skills reflection, as well as in the downloadable Skills Reports. There are also links back to Benchmark in the footer of each page on Launchpad.

The two sites operate independently, and will require separate logins. As an Admin on Benchmark, you will not be able to see what learners have done on Launchpad - unless they share it with you offline.

What data will I see for learners in my groups?

We collect the following personal information when individuals provide it to us, which is then shared back to you for any learner in your group:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Self-reflection against the Skills Builder Universal Framework for essential skills, expressed as:
    – Answer against each question in the skills reflection survey 
    – Skill score, based on answers given
    – Top 3 strengths and development areas, based on answers given

You will see all data for all time, for each learner - not just for skills reflections that have been completed since they joined your group.

Can data be shared with other members of staff?

Yes. Learners can join multiple groups - for example, if they are part of a tutor group and an intervention group. In this way, their skills reflection data will be shared with the owners of each group that they have joined. 

Organisation Admins will be able to see data across the whole organisation - not just for their own groups.

If learners leave a group, their data will remain with them - but it will no longer be viewable by the Admin of the group.

How is the data stored and is it secure?

We will hold your personal data as long as you are a user of our services or your school, college, MAT or university could legitimately benefit from information about our services or we are required to do so under applicable laws and regulations.

We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, or used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine need to know it. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.

Are there any integration features available?

Yes, we can offer embedding Benchmark into an i-frame, single sign-on and data sharing API. Please get in touch to discuss further.

Discover your essential skills

Still have questions?